Take your team to the next level
The teambuiding day will uplevel the team’s ability to focus on the core competences required to fulfill mission and vision of the team and to implement a winning culture in the management team.
This is an opportunity for a management team or project team to clarify the core compentences needed for the team to reach their goals and to increase energy and commitment of the team by upgrading the ability to give constructive feedback and gain clarity of the team ressouces and direction.

The teambuilding day will consist of:
- The team selects the 10 most important competencies for the team to reach the their defined mission & vision
- Self evaluation of each team members core competence level
- Applying constructive feedback methods to uplift team spirit
- Process og dialogue regarding the teams’ potential and areas of development
- Team SWOT (strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) & presentation of the Johari Window model
- Clarify challenges and action steps to resolve these – Action plan for the team
- Gain increased energy and power to act as a high performing team
- Time duration: 1 day plus follow up workshop