The expedition across the icecap - pushed to the limit.
In Spring 2008, CEO of ANTROPE, Cristine Silke Hansen flew to Kangerlussuaq in Greenland to realise a dream of crossing the arctic icecap. The talk gives an insight into the preparation of completing an extreme task in unknown territory. It’s a story about giving yourself 100% every day, with a very steep learning curve, in cooperation with a group of people who hardly know each other.

The motivational talk “The expedition across the icecap – pushed to the limit” is about learning to expand your potential by pushing your boundaries step by step. This talk is aimed at companies and organisations who wish to inspire their employees and leaders to think outside the box, find new ways of gaining insight into their hidden potential, and unleash their talents.
Cristine Silke Hansen will talk about her trip experiences and elaborate on the physical and mental challenges she met along the way.
Some of the important milestones on the expedition will be mentioned, such as DYE 2, an American radar station abandoned in 1988, and meeting an American couple working in the middle of the icecap to prepare the landing strip for American Hercules planes.
Film clips and photos from the expedition are shown during the talk. Questions from the audience are welcome.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Price for the motivational talk: € 1300,00 excluding vat, gst or tax.
Learnings from the trip
The talk gives inspiration to use reflection as a learning tool in order to meet challenges and problems which teams typically meet, and looks further into team dynamics, communication and the consequences leadership style has on team performance.
Things didn´t always go according to plan, and towards the end of the expedition everyone was put under extreme pressure when things took an unexpected turn.