unlock potential and talents with coaching and hypnosis hypnotherapy
Increase profits with a business coach

1-on-1 Leadership Coaching

Coaching for leaders in private and public organisations.

ANTROPE offers team and leadership development for international knowledge and service organisations. The coaching and training sessions can take place in Danish and English.


It gives value to hire a Coach when:


If you or your organisation needs to:

  • Strengthen management & team performance
  • Focus on leadership training and development
  • Improve communication level within team work
  • Find new and better solutions to current challenges
  • Reach goals in time

ANTROPE can support your organisation by giving you:


  • Conscious use of manager strengths  
  • Solutions to mental obstacles on the path towards success
  • Room to create realisation of human potential
  • Asking the questions that opens up for new and better solutions
  • Listening to the organisations’ needs and delivering the right methods

You can read more about the actual coaching process and the benefits hereof as it is described in further detail at the following link

Team Coach

Team coach to improve team work and energy in multicultural and multifunctional teams and create high performance teams

A well-functioning team creates innovative and holistic solutions – on time! In order to reach these goals, it is important that everyone works in the same direction.


  • Are you satisfied with the team’s results?
  • Does your team have sufficient skills?
  • Is the team very diverse in its constellation?
  • Is it possible to shorten project time?
  • Are deadlines being kept?


ANTROPE Team Coach is for teams who want to strengthen co-operation and results. 


ANTROPE uncovers organisations and teams current situations, and in co-operation with managers and team members, a customised program will be designed for the team.


ANTROPE can optimise team co-operation and results by:


  • Creating vision and mission for the team
  • Gaining clarity of action steps and success criteria
  • Finding the way to new solutions and possibilities
  • Overviewing the teams’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Creating visibility with regard to team deliveries
  • Improving communication and shortening project time
  • Ending the fire-fighting mode of operation and getting one step ahead


As a team, it can sometimes be a challenge to move in one direction and get everyone to commit to the overall goal. A Coach can support your team to find a common ground and work towards the team’s goals and vision in the company. 


 How – Team Coach Process:


  • Initial meeting with the organisation to uncover the team's need
  • 1 or 2 days with the team to work with the challenges
  • Facilitate action plan made by the team
  • 1 day of follow up with the team to ensure progress


Training Programmes and Workshops

team and leadership development to increase job satisfaction image and profit
Feedback and coaching training to improve communication innovation service and productivity
Metaprograms to understand team difference and diversity
SDI strength deployment inventory preventing and dealing with conflict at work and in teams
SDI conflict map to understand team differences and resolve conflict
Team building day program to improve dialogue and effiency
Happy team members are more efficient and productive
Situational leadership to improve leadership skills and team work
Situational leadership model to improve flexibility in leadership style

Team development training programmes and workshops for management teams and teams in general.

The teams ANTROPE have worked with have gained a much greater awareness of their strengths, being more supportive and honest in their collaboration process, and have learnt to give more constructive feedback to each other, thereby enhancing team performance.

Team development portfolio:

  • Coaching and Feedback training
  • Metaprograms training (NLP)
  • SDI: Strength Deployment Inventory - Preventing conflict
  • Team building day
  • Situational leadership workshop

Coaching and Feedback training

The coaching and feedback training is aimed at leaders who wish to improve their leadership skills in order to become more conscoius leaders which then leads to better business results.

The benefit of coaching and feedback training is being able as a leader and colleague to give more constructive feedback to each other, thereby enhancing team and company performance.

The content of the training:

  • Practical exercises to improve coaching and feedback skills
  • Learn to know when coaching is the right approach and when feedback is more appropriate
  • Reflecting teams
  • Theory and methods to breakdown mental barriers
  • Personal action plan based on most important focus areas
  • Be able to plan, carry through and evaluate a feedback or coaching session
  • Increase the awareness of own strengths and weaknesses - and how to benefit from this when you work together with other people

  • Be able to handle challenges with new mental tools
  • Time duration: 1 or 2 days

Metaprograms training (NLP)

The Metaprogram training will give a much greater awareness of the differences across the team.

Through the metaprogram training you will gain a thorough understanding of the different archetypes in the team and also a deeper insight into your own personal communicative preferences.

The Metaprogram training consist of:

  • Presentation of the metaprograms
  • Based on Carl Jung's archetypes, where NLP (Neuro Lingvistic Programming) has expanded these personality types to 12 dimensions and 29 types
  • Test and individual profile for every participant
  • A presentaion of NLP and communication tools
  • individual as well as team exercises
  • SWOT and action plan for the team
  • Team profile can be made as an extended workshop
  • Time duration: 1/2 day workshop of 1 full day of training

SDI: Strength Deployment Inventory -

Preventing conflict

SDI® is a tool to strengthen the relationships internally in the organisation and thereby enhance productivity .

SDI®, Strength Deployment Inventory®, is an excellent tool to help prevent and deal with conflicts and improve relationships and team work. SDI is based on The Relationship Awareness Theory — a learning model that helps identify and understand the motivation behind our behaviour.

Typical situations where insight in SDI can be of use is when It's a challenge to get the team to go in the same direction or the start-up of a new team, a multicultural team or multisiteproject which gives challenges, because of differences in perceptions of agreements, or when there are communication problems between employees or departments.

The outcome and content of the SDI training program:

  • Insight into relationships, roles and strengths

  • SDI: Motivational system - understanding of motivation and relationships developed by psychologist Elias H. Porter.

  • Understanding behaviour under pressure and under normal circumstances  – find out the motives behind behaviour

  • Individual SDI test

  • Know the strengths of each team member

  • The team will receive a SDI map, which describes the motivational- and conflict direction of the team

  • Process and dialogue concerning the team's results

  • Action plan for the team

  • Heightened engagement and increased productivity

  • Strenghten the understanding of differences/diversity in the
    team or department and use it as an advantage

  • Gives insight and knowledge of conflict handling strategies

  • Time duration: 1/2 day workshop of 1 full day of training

The better we understand employees motivations and what moves them to conflict in the first place, the more likely we can prevent conflict in the future. And the prevention of conflict consistently over time will absolutely lead to higher productivity and prosperity in business.

    Team building day

    The team day training will uplevel the team's ability to focus on the core competences required to fulfill mission and vision of the team and to implement a winning culture in the management team.

    This is an opportunity for a management team or project team to clarify the core compentences needed for the team to reach their goals and to increase energy and commitment of the team by upgrading the ability to give constructuve feedback and gain clarity of the team ressouces and direction.

    Team building day will entail:

    • Defining mission and vision for the team
    • 10 most important competences for the team to reach mission & vision
    • Self evaluation of each team members core competence level
    • Johari Window
    • Applying constructive feedback methods to uplift team spirit
    • Proces og dialogue regarding the teams' potential and areas of development
    • Team SWOT (strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
    • Clarify challenges and action steps to resolve these - Action plan for the team
    • Gain increased energy and power to act as a high performing team
    • Time duration: 1 day plus follow up workshop

    Situational leadership workshop

    With situational leadership, it is up to the leader to change his/her leadership style, not the follower to adapt to the leader’s leadership style.

    Situational leadership is a theory of leadership that is part of a group of theories known as contingency theories of leadership. The team members of a team can be divided in to four groups depending on their commitment, required knowledge for the job, and willingness to work, which is also known as "maturity level of the team".  A leader should choose an appropriate leadership style depending on the maturity level of the team. Contingency theories of leadership hold a leader’s effectiveness is related to behaviours in relation to differing situational factors.

    Situational leadership workshop entails:

    • Based on Hersey and Blanchard’s leadership theory
    • 4 leadership styles depending on the employee's level of competence and commitment
    • Presentation of SLII theory
    • Training exercises via cases
    • Development of leadership skills
    • Clarify each employees area of development
    • Learn how to match your leadership style with each employee in your team depending on their competence and commitment level
    • Personal action plan
    • Time duration:  1/2 day


    Hypnotherapy to improve mental and emotional state and overcome mental barriers

    Hypnotherapy can be used as a supplement to coaching methods as hypnotherapy is efficient in surpassing any conscious and/or subconscious mental beliefs that no longer are beneficial for the client and to replace these beliefs with more constructive and powerful beliefs that help and support the client in reaching his/her inspired goals and taking action towards realizing these.

    Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy used to reprogram the subconscious mind. When under hypnosis, you put your mind and body into a heightened state of learning, making you more susceptible to suggestions for self-improvement or behavior modification.

    Hypnotherapy, also referred to as guided hypnosis. The aim of hypnotherapy is to create a positive change in an individual, while the person is in a trance state. This trance-like state is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one's own thoughts or meditations. In this state, clients can turn their attention completely inward to find and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves that can help them make changes or regain control in certain areas of their life.

    The client can hear what the hypnotherapist is saying during the session. The hypnotherapy is performed in a calm environment. Unlike some dramatic portrayals of hypnosis in movies, books, or on stage, you will not be unconscious or in any way out of control of yourself. You will hear the therapist’s suggestions, but it is up to you to decide whether or not to act on them.

    The length of hypnosis treatment varies, depending on the complexity of the problem.

    In a hypnotherapy session, you are in control the whole time. You will hear the suggestions made to you, and you will be able to remember them after the session. During your first session, you will begin by telling the coach/hypnotherapist about your goals and issues. You will then work together to come up with a plan to achieve these goals. Once you enter a state of hypnosis, your body will feel calm and relaxed, even as you enter a state of increased awareness, and during the session the hypnotherapist will place the suggestions you agreed to in your plan into your subconscious mind.

    Your conscious mind is quieted, allowing your unconscious mind to deeply focus on your issue. You are also calmer, and therefore more receptive to facing your problems or fears. You will be guided to visualize yourself in a state of peacefulness and relaxation, even when confronting a problematic behavior or the object of your fears. The hypnotherapist will make gentle suggestions for behavior changes that can help you conquer your issue and help you to trust yourself and your ability to get through the situation.

    Hypnotherapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions, issues, and unwanted/unhealthy behaviors, such as:

    • Work conflicts, anxiety, going through changes at work, changes in your career.
    • It can be used to let go of bad habits, learning disorders, improving communication, and resolving work-relationship issues.

    A hypnotherapy session entails:

    • First a thorough discription of the client's background and the issue(s) the client wants resolved
    • An introduction to hypnotherapy
    • Coaching will be used before the actual hypnotherapy to clarify the actual problem and to write the manuscript used in co-operation with the hypnotherapy technique(s)
    • Can be used to develop and improve leadership skils
    • Personal action plan
    • Time duration:  1-2 hours

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